Transforming Technologies Dual Conductor Continuous Monitor


The Ohm Metrics CM1600* dual conductor workstation monitor continuously checks two operators and two work surface ground connections.

When a person is wearing a wrist strap, the monitor observes the resistance of the loop, consisting of a wire, a person, a wrist-band, and a second wire. If any part of the loop should open (become disconnected or have out of limit resistance), the circuit will go into the alarm state. An important feature of the Dual Wire Wrist Strap is that even if one conductor is severed, the operator has reliable path-to-ground with other wire. The CM1600 packaged in a stainless steel case with remote jacks.

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Technical Data Safety Sheet

CAPABILITIES: One device that can monitor your entire workstation: Two wrist straps; Two work surfaces and Two auxiliary grounds
SUPERIOR TECHNOLOGY: Uses accurate dual conductor resistance monitoring technology to ensure ESD protection
NOTIFICATIONS: Visible and audible alarms indicate improper grounding of the operator and work surface. Relay signal can trigger light towers or sirens.
SAFE: Uses an ultra-low voltage signal so it will not irritate the skin.
CERTIFIED: Calibration certificate included
REDUNDANCY: For use with Dual Wire Wrist Straps which provides two paths-to-ground to ensure protection.
OPTIONS: Part of a versatile family of monitors that capabilities is scalable for your application or budget: The RangerONE monitors 1 operator. RangerTWO monitors 1 operator and 1 workstation.

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